
本校磨課師課程「Technology and Application in Smart City」及「Innovation for sustainable development goals- Model Companies from Taiwan」即日起開放報名,課程為全英語授課,適合對智慧城市與環境永續發展等議題感興趣者修習。

一、 「Innovation for sustainable development goals- Model Companies from Taiwan」
(1) 課程簡介
This course is expected to guide students to understand the 17 selective sustainable development problems that are hidden behind daily life and human beings’ need to face. Take the experience of model cases as the object of study, and use innovative knowledge and tools to analyze the course and revolution of the coexistence of its commercial development and green sustainability. In terms of teaching strategies, we hope to guide students to: 1. Analyze the global issues from a macro perspective and statistical data. 2. Use the six aspects of PESTEL analysis to find opportunities for the coexistence of business operations and sustainable development. 3. Learn the definition and methods of innovation, and predict the difficulties and challenges that as an innovator may face in the process. 4. Taking the development history of a global model enterprise as a case, explore innovative processes, business models, and brand culture that conform to the concept of sustainability.
(2) 課程特色
1. Introduce global sustainable development.
2. Case analysis of model enterprises.
3. Describe the definition, type, and process of innovation.
(3) 學習成效評量
Test : 60%;Peer-review assignments: 40%

二、「Technology and Application in Smart City」
(1) 課程簡介
With the rapid and mature development of information technology, portable devices and Internet of Things (IoT), technologies and applications of smart cities become very much important and necessary for decision making in urban planning, transportation and urban disaster prevention. Learning in smart city technologies is far more than learning about the technical concepts. It includes many innovative services and applications that enhance urban development and quality of life. In this program, six major topics will be used to teach the current smart city situations in Taiwan.
(2) 課程特色
The first 2 topics will be based on the concepts and theories of smart cities. Students can learn the basic ideas of architecture and core applications in smart cities. Smart logistics and disaster prevention will be gone through in the 3rd and 4th topic, which will mainly focus on the scientific and technological applications derived from the Internet of Things. Application services of smart cities will be discussed in the 5th and 6th topic. The introduction of 3D modelling, UAV, AR/VR displays, and many more will be covered. One step after the other one, students are expected to establish a solid foundation for their future entry into smart city industries and research.
(3) 學習成效評量
Quiz 70%;Homework 30%
課程網址: https://www.openedu.tw/course_introduction/?id=1409