【線上講座】6/24 疫苗對亞太區域國際關係之影響

Emerald Publishing舉辦免費線上講座(英文),邀請分析機構Oxford Analytica的亞太區資深分析師 Joydeep Sen主講,探討近期亞太區域正陸續進行Covid-19疫苗採購與施打的措施,透過Expert Briefings帶領學生分析理解此議題對亞太區域的社經和政治意義。

  • 講座時間 :2021.06.24(四)下午15:00
  • 講座名稱 :
    Teaching the impact of vaccine roll-out for Business & International Relations – Asia Pacific (免費線上講座)
  • 主要講者:Joydeep Sen(Oxford Analytica亞太區資深分析師)
  • 講座內容:
    Rollout of Covid-19 vaccines is now underway in many countries across the Asia Pacific region and around the world. What does this mean for the region – socially, economically, and politically? And how do countries in the region now sit in the wider context of the global pandemic?